Oscar Pistorius, Sport and Life
Rod Dixon "Happiness is the activity of the soul expressing complete virtue." -- Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics "All I want to do is drink beer and train like an animal." --Rod Dixon, great Kiwi runner Last night I watched the great sports documentary The Two Escobars . It's a must see for anyone interested in the intense and troubled relation between sports and society. In a prior post discussing the Lance Armstrong case , I wrote that part of what made his case so enthralling and ultimately tragic is the blurring of the lines between sport and life. The Two Escobars tells that tale again, marking over and over again how the clean, crisp, well-refereed, and meritocratic space of the soccer field provided escape from the turmoil and violence and uncertainty of Colombian life. Then, how awfully and inexorably, the value of that space as a moment of escape became so great that it was consumed by the very forces that it initially was created to escape. ...